A Father-Son Moment, 4-year-old Style

Last night I had a Board meeting so Bruce was on bedtime duty. At some point in the evening, Finn was in the bathroom and wanted Bruce to come in and “chat.” “Let’s talk about penises, Papa,” he said.

Finn has noticed recently that his looks a little different than his circumcised pals. (It’s interesting to me that Ezra has yet to make the same observation; I imagine he hasn’t noticed.)

Anyway, there was apparently a lot of chatting going on, but this part is my favorite:

Bruce: When they cut off the tip of your penis, it’s called a circumcision.

Finn: That’s too hard for me to say… I’m going to call it, “Cut off piece of penis.”

One Comment

  1. Jamm

    OMG, I am dying here. I can’t wait until the discussion where he thanks you for not letting the doctors perform that archaic painful disfiguring procedure on him. What great parents he has. Maybe Finn will be a detective with his great observation skills.

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