Sleepover with Jamma

The boys slept with Jamma Monday night, and having slept with them all week, I can tell you that I was a little worried about the amount of sleep Jamma was not going to get. Between the kicking, talking, nightmare-waking, etc., there’s never a dull moment. I personally slept on about six inches of bed most nights. But when I peeked in Tuesday morning, I saw that Jamma had a brilliant solution to the space problem.

Sleepover with Jamma

They may roll side to side all night, but they never take up more than the top half of the bed. Genius!

One Comment

  1. Jamma

    Jamma cannot think of a better position to be in. Did year hear Ezra beg last night, I wanna sleep with Jamma. I think I go to sleep fastest when I do. All the night talk and peepee runs are sure worth it. A very treasured memory.

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