Finn’s All About Me Box

It’s that time in Kindergarten when the All About Me Box is due. We actually turned it in on Tuesday, which meant Bruce had a lot of last minute additions Monday night after returning from their camping trip. When I got home from Palm Springs at around 7:30, it appeared that the art supply box had exploded all over the dining room table.

Making of the box

There was lots of drawing, cutting and gluing going on and all three Moision boys were very focused.

Gluing stuff on the outside

Gluing stuff on the outside

Making of the box

Here’s a look at how it turned out.

Finn's All About Me Box, outside

Outside 2

Outside 3

Outside 4

And here are the contents of the box. First, some Ninjago, a recorder and some other doohickey I’m not quite sure about on the right.

Ninjago, recorder and a whoziwhatsit

Finn drew Bruce, me (looking like a teddy bear because I do snuggles at bed time) and himself (with flames for hair because he’s always hot).

Papa, Mommy and Finn

Ezra contributed a sweet Pokemon guy and a not-so-sweet drawing of himself.

Ezra's contributions

When we took it to school Tuesday, the other kids were very interested. I think it was because there was so much stuff glued to the outside. Each student will get the chance to present his or her box to the class. As of right now, Finn hasn’t gotten the chance to go yet, but I can’t wait to hear all about it when he does.

(If you want, you can see Ezra’s box here for a trip down memory lane.)