Summer Camp at Cottage

Ezra and Finn started Cottage’s last two-week summer camp session yesterday and I was the snack parent. Ezra was thrilled to get to go back and play at Cottage. It was an interesting morning. We had spiders on the play structure, namely this big guy.

Big spider!

Teacher Art masterfully caught him and put him in one of the bug catching containers so the kids could have a look (and so he could later be released back into nature). Teacher Art was triumphant. And the kids were squealing with delight and a little fear.

Teacher Art catches the spider

Later at group time, there was show and tell and Finn told everyone about Belize. “… you have to take a boat everywhere and … THERE’S A POOL!”

Finn shares about Belize

Later they got into swimsuits and went in the pool. Not quite the same as the Belize pool but fun nonetheless.
Lots o' kids in the pool

My guys were the last two hold-outs in the little pool.

In the pool

At lunch bunch, Finn chatted up friends old and new.

Old friends at lunch bunch


  1. Jamma

    Last two in the pool not a big surprise. The pool is one thing that they have accelerated their attention span on/with. Evidently, the other students are waterlogged after a few minutes, but our boys, only get out when made to get out. If they would learn to float, they could/would sleep in there. Love it. Thanks for the lovely report of summer camp. Jamma

  2. Jamma

    Good thing Summer School is only a morning event, otherwise Finn would be devastated that they don’t have nakey swimming at 4 PM, let alone probably also don’t allow bush watering. Jamma

  3. Christy

    Nope — no nakey swimming or bush watering at Cottage. And rightly so. But I just got a little blow up pool for the backyard so Finn will be happy.

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