Professor Ezra

The kids in Ezra’s class were invited to prepare presentations about any traveling they did over Spring Break. Ezra was very excited about this project and this morning I got to stay and watch him present pictures and information about our Anza Borrego trip to his class. Finn got to come, too, and sit on the rug with the rest of the kindergartners. Here they are patiently waiting as Ms. Jessica takes attendance.

Waiting patiently

Then it was Ezra’s turn. He read the title: Anza Borrego.

Reading the title: Anza Borrego

And talked about the different pictures.

Ezra presenting

And he told them about the Desert Threadsnake we saw.

Showing them the snake info

He’s totally in his element up in front of the class.

Ezra presenting

Here’s a video of part of the presentation.

After Ezra was done, Ms. Jessica led a discussion about Earth Day and the children gave their ideas about recycling, cleaning up the earth, etc. It was all very cute. Here is Ezra talking about picking up trash and Finn waiting for his turn with his hand up.

Ezra talks, Finn raises his hand

I thought my heart was going to burst with pride this morning. Not only was Ezra so confident and adorable up there, but Finn was also extremely well-behaved and cute as a button. (I apologize for my indulgent moment of bragging.)