Finn’s Four Year Checkup

Finn has his four year checkup (or “check-out” as he calls it) this week and it went pretty well. He grew three inches and gained five-and-a-half pounds over the last year. Dr. Rodarte gave him a clean bill of health, said his weight and height curves remain steady and described him as “solid.” At 40.5 inches tall and 44.7 pounds, I’d say that’s a fair assessment. (For comparison, Ezra is 44.25 inches tall and weighs 43.4 pounds.)

He also had hearing and eye testing done. I snapped a picture of him doing the eye test because it was just so darn cute. They do it in the hallway and everyone walking by oohed and aahed at him — even one of the other doctors said, “He’s so cute!”, which never happens.

Finn takes an eye exam

He had a little trouble with the letters, but once they switched to the shapes chart he was fine.

He also got two shots, which didn’t go so smoothly. Usually he’s pretty stoic, but not this time. He just cried and cried — so much so that the nurse came back in with four stickers for him. Later he was happy about that but there was no consoling him when we were in the office. The whole ordeal must have really worn him out because he fell asleep in the car a couple of hours later and slept for almost three hours.