A Day in the Life …

… of an Aveson kindergartner. Well, not a day, exactly, but I got a look at what their days look like with a two-hour volunteer shift in Ezra’s class today. His teacher was out for professional development, so they asked parents to come in to give the substitute a hand. I was thrilled to see what actually goes on there — it’s very weird going from a co-op preschool to elementary school where it’s not parent-participation driven. In the time I was there, they read a book and talked about the days of the week and months of the year, as well as what day it was. Then they did “centers” (Ezra’s favorite thing to do) where there are several tables set up with activities and the kids get to choose which activity they want to do. Today, there was a castle to play with, blocks, little dinosaurs to count, pattern blocks, a playhouse, a drawing table, a library area, and some wooden food to cut. Time at each center is about ten minutes and then they switch. This is the math and projects time and I left at 10:00 when they were headed to snack. Ezra tells me they have PE and then they go to the other teacher’s class for literacy centers.

I loved seeing what they do and how the class is set up. And I’m thrilled all over again that we ended up at Aveson.

Here’s a couple of shots while Ezra was at the drawing table.

Ezra and some friends

Ezra's class