Halloween 2015

Between the extreme costume-making, the driverless car activity, and the events at school, Halloween seemed to last for weeks! On the Friday before Halloween, Ezra’s friend Henry came over after school for pumpkin carving and play. I love that they’ve gotten to the age where they just get right to it by themselves; it’s fun to watch their creativity in action.




Bruce had ended up working very late that night (a regular occurrence lately) so he didn’t have time to fulfill my request until Halloween morning. But he got right to it.


And it came out great!


Here are all three pumpkins. Finn’s is on the right.


For trick-or-treating we split up; Ezra went with Bruce and his two school friends, Henry and Emerson. Here are a couple of shots of Ezra before they left. A last minute costume check:


Making his way through the house:


And chilling in the chair just before leaving, which I thought was pretty funny considering he looks like a giant black robot.


Here’s the only picture I have of their night. Henry is the hotdog; we’re not exactly sure what Emerson is, probably a zombie.


Finn was all set too after some minor adjustments and the addition of a camping lantern.


Finn and I trick-or-treated around our neighborhood with friends. It was more lively than last year and a lot of fun.


Here are our neighbors Chris and Sharon in their timely Martian costumes.


Here are the kids at our neighbor Marlene’s house. She’s very popular because she gives out full sized candy bars!


Finn didn’t last very long walking around with the weight of a planet on his shoulders, so he swapped out with Chris for a Martian helmet instead.


After we got back the parents chatted while the annual candy-swapping happened in the boys’ room.


A good time was had by all.