Desperate Thursday Downtown

A few years ago, Cari deemed summer Thursdays “Desperate Thursdays” and planned a bunch of activities to keep us all from losing our sanity. We reprised this idea a couple of weeks ago with a trip on the Metro to downtown L.A. The kids are always in favor of a train ride but I couldn’t get everyone smiling in one picture.



Our first stop was the Central Library, where we had a mostly pleasant lunch outside in the courtyard. Some very high maintenance man yelled at Ezra for chasing the birds because he was afraid they were going to poop on him. Perhaps he should have just moved out from under the tree instead of yelling at an 8-year-old, because about 15 minutes later he did, indeed, get pooped on. And then he yelled at me for smirking.

Anyway, after lunch we went into the library where the kids proceeded to look at every penguin book in the children’s collection.



And Finn took a look around.


We also walked over and rode on Angel’s Flight …


… walked through the Grand Central Market, and then fumbled our way to the nearest Metro station to get back to Union Station. There, Ezra and Finn experienced their first cinnamon pretzel from Wetzel’s. A little bit of heaven on earth.
