Teacher Appreciation

This week was Teacher Appreciation Week so I asked the boys to make cards for their teachers. Ezra didn’t want to draw anything, so he wrote [brief] letters.

Ezra's note to Diane

Ezra's note to Thea

Finn drew his classroom on one side and then wrote a note on the other. For Ms. Jessica, his math teacher, he drew the D1 classroom and did some math problems on the other side.

Finn's D1 classroom

To Ms. Jessica from Finn

I love that each of the S’s in Jessica is going a different direction.

Ms. Vonni, his literacy teacher, got the D2 classroom and a sentence on the other side.

Finn's D2 classroom

To Ms. Vonni from Finn

The sentence is his standard version of “I went to the park and I had fun.” Creative spelling is a must.