Meanwhile Back at Home …

… I had two days to fill with the Moision junior hooligans. Friday was a pretty standard school day, but Saturday we needed an activity. So, we took a trip to the local “wilderness” of Kidspace. Here Ezra plucks a plastic lemon from the stream.

Ezra gets the lemon

The lemon provided about an hour of entertainment; Finn especially was very interested in putting it at the top of the stream and watching the current carry it down. Here he points out where it is.

Get it!

He originally was waiting for Ezra to help but finally rolled up his pants and waded in himself. He was very proud of his catch.

The prized lemon

They also like this water gun drum contraption.

Finn's happy place

And Ezra did a little archaeology.


Then we got to have Finn’s pre-departure meltdown followed by him passing out in the car about two seconds after I started the engine. A successful trip!