Mother’s Day

We had a lovely mellow Mother’s Day this year. I got to sleep in and was greeted by Ezra at about 7:30 who told me he’d made breakfast for me. He got my slippers for me and ushered me into the kitchen where I found  pancakes, orange slices, and coffee. I had heard some arguing before Ezra had come in, and later Bruce told me that the boys were fighting over how many orange slices to put on the plate (Ezra wanted two, Finn wanted one — Ezra won). It looks like my little foodies are already worried about presentation.

They also cut a giant bouquet of roses from the backyard:

In the afternoon I took the boys for a walk over to Polkatots Cupcakes to pick up a treat. They waited patiently for our turn in line:

After that, Bruce took them to the Arroyo and I got the most coveted two-plus hours of home-alone time. I read, napped, and relaxed. Heaven.