
I really like keeping this blog and I love going back to read it from time to time and being able to look things up and refresh my memory of events. However, I find that when times are not so rosy it’s hard to write and, obviously, there have been some not so rosy times lately. I’ve been putting off writing because the idea of catching up through the events surrounding the move was just too daunting. And it still is.

So, I’m going to cheat. I’ve uploaded a lot of photos from the pre- and post-move period and I’m going to link to them here rather than go through a detailed recap.

First, Student Led Conferences at Aveson happened the week we left. The boys showed us the work they’d done since the Fall and we got an idea of where we needed to pick up for our temporary homeschooling situation.

That week we also had dinner at the Comptons/Pulsinellis’ house which was a lovely evening. I didn’t take very many pictures, but at one point the kids made a store complete with signage and merchandise, all in and surrounding a new tree (and its hole) that was about to be planted. It was pretty awesome; unfortunately my pictures are a little dark.

The boys’ last day at Aveson brought tears (mine) and gifts and cards for the boys. Ezra walked up with a bunch of balloons tied to his backpack which was a pretty great visual. After some hang out time at school, we went to Jerri’s for a play date. Later we went to the Bannings’ for dinner. I have no pictures but it was a wonderful evening and send off.

Packing started the next day and continued Monday when the truck came to take it all away. Needless to say, these photos are hard to look at.

And finally, a set of miscellaneous photos from after the move. Here’s my favorite of this set:


Cari sent me this on the Monday after we left — most of our usual after school hangout crew.