Finn’s Second Recital

The same afternoon as June Jubilee, Finn had his second recorder recital. So, after snow cones, bounce houses and tie-dying, we switched gears and he and Bruce rushed home to change Finn into his nice clothes. I stayed with Ezra for an extra half-hour and then we met at the church that was home to the recital. Finn, apparently, had refused to have his top button done or his tie tightened all the way. He looked a tad disheveled but cute as we waited for his turn to go on.

2013-06-02 15.00.30

Note the orange fingers left over from the tie-dye booth.

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Finally, it was his turn.

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2013-06-02 15.14.05

I don’t have video from his solo (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) but I do have video of his duet with his lesson partner, Sami.

When they were done, Finn took a bow. Sami did not.

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2013-06-02 15.14.33

While we waited through the rest of the performers, Finn was mostly interested in Ezra’s treasures from June Jubilee.

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And he had a hard time staying awake.

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