Aveson Performance 2013

Our kids put on a Spring performance again this year; this time the theme was “Imagine.” They practiced for weeks and both boys reported enjoying the process and the performance. I have some photos but most of them aren’t great due to the low light and how far away I was standing. But I tried.

I did get a couple of cute ones of Finn in the classroom before the first performance. It was their last rehearsal.

Before the performance

Before the performance

The Kindergarteners had painted their own rainbow shirts on the Monday before the show. Here’s a picture of Finn painting his.

Finn painting his rainbow shirt

And here’s Finn and his friend Silvia making an attempt to quiet their class before the show. (Thanks to Silvia’s mom, Stephanie, for this one!)

Finn and Silvia quieting their class

Here’s Finn’s class up on stage. They did three songs — “I’m Alive,” “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “Walking on Sunshine.”

Finn's class

Finn is somewhere in the back. I got this one of them walking off stage when I could finally see him.

Finn's class

I also shot a short video of the third song they did.

Ezra’s class performed “Turn the World Around.”

Ezra's class

The boys started on the floor, and then got up and danced toward the end of the song. It’s not the clearest picture, but I’m putting this up to show that he was dancing!

Ezra's class

And here’s video of Ezra’s class. This was the third and final performance and I was standing on the wrong side of the auditorium to get a good shot of Ezra, which is a bummer.