List of Fun

Ezra had a play date with his friend Jenner this afternoon after school. They played inside and outside, and although both Bruce and I were home, we weren’t watching them the whole time. This evening when I went to use bathroom upstairs something had obviously gone on in there. The toilet seat was up and the toilet paper was pulled on the roll into the toilet. I got a little nervous about the potential flood, but broke the piece off and successfully flushed the toilet.

A little later, Finn said, “Mommy, do you know why there’s not much toilet paper left on the roll?” He proceeded to tell me how Ezra and Jenner had put the paper into the toilet and flushed so they could watch it unravel into the toilet. Needless to say, I found Ezra and told him not to do it again.

But then I asked him where he got that idea. After hemming and hawing for a while, he finally whispered, “Calvin and Hobbes.”


A little while after that I found this List of Fun he’d written out for the play date.

List of Fun

I love that it says not to do the toilet paper flush thing again. You might think that was added later because of my directive, but in fact, it’s because it wasn’t as great as Calvin and Hobbes made it out to be. Ezra said the toilet paper didn’t come off the roll very fast and it wasn’t much fun. Thank goodness.

I’m rethinking our decision to introduce Ezra to Calvin and Hobbes.


  1. Jamma

    I wonder if Calvin and Hobbes also hid the car keys and locked themselves inside the car with the keys so that their grandmother couldn’t get them out. Hope their granny was as smart as I try to be in keeping one step ahead. Once Finn remembered the lemon we had picked up on our bike ride, he opened the door to get it and I quickly got the car keys. Then the smarty oldest son thought that he was going to outrun Jamma and quickly get in the house and lock the doors. But the smart Jamma had locked the house before going on the bike ride and had the house keys safely locked in the “glove box.” The eldest little sneaker thought that he was so smart and thought that he could beat the Jamma to the front door and over the fence to the family room door, which he thought would STILL be unlocked, since they were not locked the last time he checked. Jamma still smarter than the little “shit.” Jamma has NEVER left a house with any doors or windows unlocked and after experiencing today’s little exercise will probably have a set of house keys and car keys hidden in her “glove box” before she even agrees to babysit again. So again Boys 1/2 point, Jamma 6 points. Boys will probably outpoint Jamma by the time they are 16, but by then Jamma probably won’t have enough brain cells left to care. Note to Jamma: Start reading Calvin and Hobbes. And get new invisible secret supersoaker and rain slicker. Love Jamma

  2. Jamma

    Addendum: Little shit redeemed himself. As I was sitting here trying to decide if I needed to be scared by the house noises, I decided to get up and check. Much to my surprise, it was a little Ninja come to tell me that he needed more snuggles and a story told on his back. So he is back in very good graces again. The one thing about Ezra is that he shares his pillow and so you can get real comfy as you are contemplating how many times you can tell a back tickle story without any new elements to add. Almost put myself to sleep. Remember when he was a little baby and you would use a very soft ball of yard to stroke his arms and back when we were in Puerto Vallarta to put him to sleep. He still has that. Love Jamma

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