Aveson Jog-a-thon

Yesterday the boys participated in the fundraising jog-a-thon at school and I went to take some pictures. First up were the Kindergarten classes.

Spacing out the Kinders

Finn runs!

Finn slowed to a walk

The kids did a combo of running and walking and got their hand stamped with each lap. Here’s Finn going in for a stamp.

Finn gets a stamp

He did ten laps.

Finn's stamps (10 laps!)

After 20 minutes they stopped and were handsomely rewarded with popsicles.

Happy Kinders

The first and second graders were up next. Ezra did not seem to be enjoying himself; he walked around the field, spitting water from his water bottle. Charming.

Grumpy Ezra

He doesn’t seem quite as miserable here.

Not quite as grumpy Ezra

Friends were having a better time. Jack:






Of course, these pictures were taken on the first couple of laps. They looked much less happy after 20 minutes of running. Here’s Amelia, for instance. She did 21 laps!


Finally the running time was over and the big kids got popsicles, too. Finally, Ezra was happy.

Finally, Ezra was happy

And here’s a row of second graders resting up after their hard work.

Second graders