He Rides

It’s no joke that the second kid does everything sooner than the first one. Ezra just started riding his bike without training wheels a couple of months ago, and today Finn ditched his own training wheels because he wanted to be able to go where Ezra can go — namely on the weedy dirt … er … grass in our backyard.

And so, here he is!

Don't take my picture!

He had a big day of riding — several trips outside with a few breaks in between for snacks and rests, not to mention a couple of scraped knees. On one trip out, he decided he needed sunglasses.

Puttin' on the shades

Getting ready to ride

Pretty cute.

I did manage to get one decent video. Note: he’s not the first bike rider you see; he’ll come into view after a few seconds.

By the time the end of the day rolled around, he was one exhausted little boy. He got to pick the place for a special celebratory dinner; he picked Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles. I wasn’t quite sure he would make it all the way through the meal.

Tired little cyclist

But he did.