Swim Lessons

Bath time Saturday night gave me a glimmer of hope that my boys will actually one day swim — for real. Much to my surprise, they were eagerly dunking their faces, in fact, their whole heads in the bath water! They’d seen Finn’s friend Amelia do this in her kiddy pool earlier in the day; apparently they were inspired. And so was I; I high-tailed it onto the interwebs to see where I could enroll them in swim lessons. Luckily the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center had a two-week session starting Monday and the boys agreed to give it a go.

The first day was great! Faces went in the water!

Ezra's face in the water

Here’s Finn doing it even though is classmates won’t.

Finn puts his face in the water

There was floating!

Ezra floats

And paddling!

Ezra on the paddle board

And swimming!

Don’t get me wrong, there’s some reluctance still and the whole coordinating blowing bubbles, taking breaths and kicking is a challenge. But he’s doing it!

Finn’s class is younger, so they’re getting more help from the teacher. Here he is practicing the “scoops” he learned first from Erin in Belize.

One Comment

  1. Jamma

    Very very encouraging. Lets hope going to Belize next summer is the prize for learning to swim. Excellent job boys.

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